Procedures of Peninsula Residents

Community Emergency Response Team

Procedures of Peninsula Residents

Procedures of our Peninsula CERT team are to be used as guidelines that offer steps to follow with an opportunity for adjustment or change whenever needed. It is assumed that you have already prepared your home for personal safety with a 3-day disaster kit.

  • In the event of an emergency, your first duty is to yourself and your family. Take care to make sure that safety is your first priority. Are you and your family safe? Are your animals ok? Are your living quarters safe? Do a “walk-around” to check out your building from all sides. If any of your answers are NO, take steps to move your family to a safe place, then you are ready for the next step. Do your neighbors need assistance? Your remaining calm will help others.
  • Follow the “CERT Response Procedures” and “CERT Safety Procedures” located on the following pages.
  • If you are a Block Captain, or back-up, put on your hard hat, vest, hiking boots, and do a walk-around your designated area, listening for people as well as structure noise, Take a whistle, clipboard and pen or pencil to alert others and record structural damage and/or fires, as well as time of incident. You might consider using a tape recorder to help describing any incidents. Report in to our Command Post using channel 4 on your FRS. Keep your message brief, but say who you are, where you are, injuries or fires that you have noticed, and whether they need immediate attention. Always work with a buddy.
  • >Report to STAGING at the end of 62nd Pl. (Chrisman’s Landing).You will be given instructions at the staging area as to where you are needed. Go with a buddy. If you do not know how to deal with a situation, let others know. They will help you. If you feel a structure is dangerous, it is. Do not involve yourself with anything that seems beyond your capabilities. When you arrive at a scene, do another walk around (360 degrees), and report back to Staging with your radio. Be brief, but include any injuries, fires, people trapped, or unsafe structures. Write down your findings on your clipboard.
  • Be prepared to participate wherever there is a need. You probably will be very helpful by participating with recording damaged area/s casualties, structure safety and transporting, or calling to our Command Post for Triage and Treatment response. Expect to be asked to report and help in areas that have need. YOUR VALUE TO A CERT MEMBER IS VITAL.
  • In summary, our first response is follow “Safety Guidelines” and “Response”. Second, we walk our assigned area/s with a buddy to survey for victims, damage, and/or fires. Third, call in your findings. Fourth, report to Staging for further instructions. Be prepared for situations to change from moment to moment.